summer - autumn 2014
30th of May and 17th of JUNE on the Open stage there was a possibility to observe temporary split of Isadorino gore: Sasha and Dasha performed separately). First piece was already familiar to audience, duo Strike a pose. The second one was premiere of yet another Rite of Spring (director Dmitry Lesnikov). No Stravinsky. Four guitarists and one dancer on stage. Rite of Spring in style of psychedelic revolution of the 60's and 70's…

12th of JUNE in Neskuchny Garden in frame of F.ACT festival we had doen remake of the performance Cake with sense and performance FUTURE SONG (composer Vladimir Rannev) in collaboration with PoemaTheatre.

14th – 15th of JUNE at WILD MINT festival (Green Age venue): We've led contact improvisation workshop and performance "U." devoted to festival atmosphere.

20th of JUNE in Muzeon park:
Dasha led contemporary dance workshop.
Sasha completed studying year with her band: students of dance and performance school TsEKh presented perfprmance-collaboration with Isadorino gore dance co-op.
1-st of JULY took place our first summer partnering workshop. We would be veryglad to continue, so if somebody knows welcoming spaces – write us!

6th of JULY we were in Yaroslavl. In Architecture of Movement Festival we updated and presented our performance / installation Regional body on the cultural venue TEXTIL. Performance starts at 6 p.m. Don’t be late;)

In frame of Summer Tsekh School we’ve led educational and entertaining project rundownDinner with video demonstrations and lectures (program of blocks you can download in section dance studies). Three Saturdays in succession we celebrated accomplishment of each block by Challenge Jam in Muzeon. For the music we thank Efgraph Sorokin (fb) and Olga Maximova (OMMA).

6th of September in frame of Bright People Festival we’ve managed to lead contemporary dance workshop with elements of partnering directly on the roadway of Neglinnaya street. Celebrateв the Day of the City!
14th of September there was the premiere of our new work Bubble Dream, in frame of the festival "Theatre. Favorites", organized by Moskva 24 TV channel, in the Bauman garden. For details, see productions. And we apply with it to Aerowaves, so let’s keep our fingers crossed.

1st of November at 17.00 we finally make happy Tsekh students by our view point on the development of the twentieth century art of movement in the context of people's lives. We'll talk sagely about historical events, culture trends, why nowadays everybody is naked on the stage and how we came to this.
1st of November at 20:00
Challenge Jam in Halloween
Challenge Jam is a cross between untethered disco and dance laboratory. Frequent visitors, also please do not be so lazy to go to the link - you will find several innovations;)

Till 2nd of November in museum and exhibition centre “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman” was opened exhibition “How to build a zoo?” devoted to 150-universary of Moscow Zoo. On the 3rd floor you can find video of Sasha and Eugeny Pankratov attempts to feel themselves animals. Dasha directed it very strictly. Exhibition continue till 2nd of November.
22nd and 23rd of November at 19.00 happened long-awaited premiere of LEZGINKA TODAY –
Venue: Hall Konsruktor cultural center ZIL.
Crowdfunding [planeta.ru].

22nd-23rd of November overnight was premiere of Zombiesnowflakes performance in Secret Warehouse. Moscow Decompression Party happens once a year, and recreates the atmosphere of the legendary festival Burning Man, which gathers representatives of the most extraordinary creative underground of the planet and extends to the bottom of a dried up salt lake in Black Rock City, Nevada. We are seriously preparing for this event. Analyzed the phenomenology of postapocalypse we’d discovered image of festive zombies. Zombiesnowflakes personify bright souls of virgins and come to remind anarcho-hedonists, who radically express themselves, about the Sublime.

28th of November was lecture "Art of movement in twenty century" in the art space Tsiolkovsky. We started from Isadora Duncan and tried to understand why nowadays everybody is naked on the stage.